In 2023 when I moved into my new studio space, I serendipitously started a new small series. I had started a new large composition, but other events in my life kept me from being able to fully engage with it. It felt too overwhelming. So I turned to working smaller. At first I did it to study how I was going to piece together a new flower form I had designed. But also I was wanting to warm up to my new studio space.
I was also inspired by the work of Deb Stoner’s “Botanical Portraits” whose 2020 calendar is pinned to the wall of my new studio space. I love her work and find it reminiscent of the old dutch master still life paintings.
Normally I like sharing finished work, but with this small series I am showing work in progress.
“Botanical Portraits” Deb Stoner 2020 calendar
Small Still Life Study #1 12.5” b y 12.5” pieced
©2024 Pamela Loewen
I quickly pinned 5 pink flowers up on the wall and then began designing the ground around them. While the form seems simple enough, there was more than one way to sew it together. I wanted to see which was best. I also wanted something quicker and easier to achieve than a new large composition. I wanted a chance to play in my new space.
Small Still Life Study #2 12.5” by 12.5 “ pieced
©2024 Pamela Loewen
The other thing I wanted to explore was using dark back grounds. None of my garden series works had such dark backgrounds. Again, a chance to play.
Small Still Life Study #3 12.5” by 12.5” pieced
©2023 Pamela Loewen
This form was more challenging to piece than I anticipated. Still not completely satisfied with the final product. In #3 I also explored a broader range of hues in the ground. I think it creates more movement. I also think the quilting, with the right thread choice, can make it a bit more cohesive.
Small Still Life Study #4 12.5” by 12.5” pieced
©2023 Pamela Loewen
This time I simplified the background and focused my attention on piecing the form. Small Still Life Study #4 is my best form yet. It is also instructive to me that simple can be effective.
Small Still Life Study #5 12.5” by 12.5” pieced
©2023 Pamela Loewen
The last of the pink flowers. Again, I am pleased with the form. I feel like I am just beginning to get a feel for these hues and values. I decided I want to do another row of flowers. This time the flowers are in the hue of orange. Stay tuned!