The Series Grows

One of the great benefits of working in a series is I have a set starting point. Instead of starting with a “blank sheet”, many of my design questions are already answered. For example with this new series I know the finished size is 12 inches by 12 inches. I also know I am using a dark palette for the ground. And I know I want the figure to be flower-like. So when I am in and out of my studio for weeks/months on end, it is easy to pick up and create a new piece in a small series. And even though the finished product is small, I still learn with each composition.

The second row of my new small series next to Deb Stoner’s “Botanical Portraits'‘ 2020 & “Flora” 2024 calendars

©2025 Pamela Loewen

There is something about things in a row that brings me joy. I also am enjoying playing in such a dark palette for the ground. Life is too short to not have fun!

orange bloom #1 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

The palette for the orange blooms came from my tree #9 that was in progress on the opposite design wall. I thought the orange would look very vibrant on the dark ground. The figure is only slightly different than the light pink blooms. I made it more vertical and more symmetrical.

Orange Bloom #2 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

In the second orange bloom I have chosen a brown palette for the ground. I must admit that with my tree series my love for brown has grown. Dyeing brown fabrics is particularly fun and a bit challenging. My desire to get back in my dye studio is also growing.

Orange Bloom #3 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

I like the thicker petals on the flower figure. I also like the dark darks. There is greater variation of value scale in the background that creates more movement.

Orange Bloom #4 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

This composition has darker purples and more grays. I like the center petal being the palest in the flower figure. It feels well balanced.

Orange Bloom #5 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

The ground is getting brighter here. I have fewer darks and more mid tones. I like the browns, purples and blues dancing across the ground. Now I am having fun trying different combinations in the ground. I think I’ll make another row!

Beginning of a series

In 2023 when I moved into my new studio space, I serendipitously started a new small series. I had started a new large composition, but other events in my life kept me from being able to fully engage with it. It felt too overwhelming. So I turned to working smaller. At first I did it to study how I was going to piece together a new flower form I had designed. But also I was wanting to warm up to my new studio space.

I was also inspired by the work of Deb Stoner’s “Botanical Portraits” whose 2020 calendar is pinned to the wall of my new studio space. I love her work and find it reminiscent of the old dutch master still life paintings.

Normally I like sharing finished work, but with this small series I am showing work in progress.

“Botanical Portraits” Deb Stoner 2020 calendar

Small Still Life Study #1 12.5” b y 12.5” pieced

©2024 Pamela Loewen

I quickly pinned 5 pink flowers up on the wall and then began designing the ground around them. While the form seems simple enough, there was more than one way to sew it together. I wanted to see which was best. I also wanted something quicker and easier to achieve than a new large composition. I wanted a chance to play in my new space.

Small Still Life Study #2 12.5” by 12.5 “ pieced

©2024 Pamela Loewen

The other thing I wanted to explore was using dark back grounds. None of my garden series works had such dark backgrounds. Again, a chance to play.

Small Still Life Study #3 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2023 Pamela Loewen

This form was more challenging to piece than I anticipated. Still not completely satisfied with the final product. In #3 I also explored a broader range of hues in the ground. I think it creates more movement. I also think the quilting, with the right thread choice, can make it a bit more cohesive.

Small Still Life Study #4 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2023 Pamela Loewen

This time I simplified the background and focused my attention on piecing the form. Small Still Life Study #4 is my best form yet. It is also instructive to me that simple can be effective.

Small Still Life Study #5 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2023 Pamela Loewen

The last of the pink flowers. Again, I am pleased with the form. I feel like I am just beginning to get a feel for these hues and values. I decided I want to do another row of flowers. This time the flowers are in the hue of orange. Stay tuned!

In Praise of Small Things

Where did the summer go? It seems that as I age time moves faster. Back in college I had a science professor explain this phenomenon. He said, when you are two years old, one year is half of your life. When you are 60, one year is just one sixtieth of your life. Sounds plausible.

The big event of the summer was the birth of our first grand child, Henry. He was born at the end of July with a full head of hair. We got to visit him when he was only a few days old. It takes me back to when my children were born. It seems like just yesterday, the memories are so vivid. This new little life feels even more precious after the losses in the last two years. I am so very grateful for Henry and so very happy for my son and his wife. One of the most beautiful things you will ever make is a family.

My first grandchild, Henry Alexander August 2024.

©2024 Pamela Loewen

The next thing was the third edition of one of my husband’s academic books. He asked me to make him another cover for this new issue. He specifically asked for the color green. Well I really liked the palette of my latest tree composition that I shared in the previous post. I also knew it would be a small piece, so I could work with fabrics I already had out. I also wanted it to be simple so that it would not fight with the text on the cover.

As I worked the colors reminded me of my years in New Zealand. The landscapes there were so beautiful, filled with many soft shades of blues and greens. (I’m still sad my 2021 visit to New Zealand had to be cancelled. I have never been back since I left in 2006.) However, my husband was not a big fan of my first piece.

"Memories of New Zealand"      7.25" wide by 9.75" high

cottons hand dyed by artist, wool batting, machine quilted

©2024 Pamela Loewen

He reminded me that he had requested green. (The perks of being married to an artist!) So I made a second composition. Creating two new pieces from start to finish in only three days was a nice change of pace. Feels good to “play” in the studio! I especially like how I handled the binding. But now that both are done, my husband is not sure which he likes more.

"Memories of New Zealand #2"       7.25" wide by 10.25" high

cottons hand dyed by artist, wool batting, machine quilted

©2024 Pamela Loewen

Which one is your favorite? You can tell me in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

Inspiring Colors

My spring was filled with many special events —a family trip to Iceland to celebrate my 60th birthday, a baby shower for my lovely daughter-in-law in Ohio, my oldest son’s amazing wedding in New York, my brother-in-law’s special wedding in New Hampshire, and celebrating my father-in-law’s 80th birthday in Oklahoma and Texas. (This isn’t even a comprehensive list!) I used to say, “I really don’t travel this much,” but after three years of significant travel it is beginning to dawn on me that perhaps I have reached a new phase of life.

These events feed both my soul and my work. My work is about celebrating beauty, including the beauty of human relationships. Traveling to celebrate milestone events with those that I love is one of the most important things I can do. I don’t just want to create amazing artwork, I want to create a beautiful life filled with rich and meaningful relationships.

Understanding this — that many more important trips are in my future—helps me adjust to this new reality in my life. I need to recalibrate how to maximize my creative time when I am home. Honestly, being busier may actually increase my productivity.

We all get the same 24 hours a day. Having to be more purposeful and focused with the time that I do have at home, is not a bad thing. For example, when my daughter wanted to make a baby quilt together I said yes! This is not how I had originally planned to use my time this spring; however, thinking of the all the fabrics in my closet I had bought to make quilts for my own children when they were young, that I never used, I changed my plans. So March was spent working with Winona designing, piecing and quilting a baby quilt. I think it was the fastest I have ever made a baby quilt from start to finish. Of course working with my daughter helped significantly and was fun!

Emily with baby Henry’s baby quilt.

©2024 Pamela Loewen

On these trips I am always enjoying my new surroundings. I take lots of photos, gather ideas and add to my image bank. I especially love soaking in the colors in nature. Below are some of my favorite color inspiration photos of the past four months.

Grindavik, Iceland February 25, 2024

© 2024 Pamela Loewe

The soft colors of February in Iceland were a quiet kind of beauty. I also love seeing plant life in the volcanic fields. Beauty can be found in even the most harsh environments. This area had a major eruption only a few weeks after we left.

Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge Oklahoma June 8, 2024

© 2024 Pamela Loewen.

I love this shock of yellow-lime green color in the rock! It wasn’t a type of plant, it was the rock itself. Lime green is one of my favorite hues in my work. Every time I dye fabric I always dye more lime green!

Variscite & Crandallite, Aluminum Phosphate West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas June 10, 2024.

©2024 Pamela Loewen.

When seven inches of rain caused rock slides closing the Palo Duro Canyon State Park, my father-in-law wanted to visit the West Texas A&M University museum. I especially enjoyed their rock collection. I also found several galleries filled with paintings. Love the soft palette found in the rock above — turquoise, tan, purple and soft orange.

Smithsonite, Zinc Carbonate West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas June 10, 2024.

©2024 Pamela Loewen.

I love this shade of blue! Turquoise blue dye is one of my favorites to use in my dye studio. I also use it to make my favorite shades of lime green.

Sphalerite, iridescent, zinc iron sulfide West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas June 10, 2024.

©2024 Pamela Loewen.

Who doesn’t love sparkles and the combination of blues, greens, purples, yellows, oranges and browns!

Amethyst in Alibates, Silicon Dioxide West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas June 10, 2024.

©2024 Pamela Loewen.

More sparkles! Love the orange paired with the purple. And this rock reminds me of the view of the Palo Duro Canyon as we descended from the rim as seen below.

Palo Duro Canyon, Texas June 10, 2024.

©2024 Pamela Loewen

"Powder River" by Frank Reaugh West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas

Oil on Canvas

Frank Reaugh considered Powder River the most important pure landscape he had ever created. It was also the largest. He also commented that the rich colors of the hills in this painting show the abundance of mineral wealth. This painting has a beautiful glistening surface, and a soft palette of turquoise, tans, oranges and lime greens.

As an artist, the things I am drawn to usually show up in my own work. Below is my latest composition free-hand cut, fully laid out, pinned to my new studio design wall. You see turquoise, lime greens, browns, yellows and oranges — some of my favorite colors. It is ready and waiting for me to start sewing when I get home. This is the first large composition I have created since the passing of my father. Feels great to be working again. Excited to keep exploring my new tree series, between trips of course.

Tree #9 in process pinned on the design wall June 25, 2024.

Approximately 48” w by 78” h

©2024 Pamela Loewen

Inspiring Trees

Looking back on the last 18 months, life has been very full. Significant, meaningful events kept me from my studio, and now I am working to get back into a consistent creative workflow. This is easier said than done. Honestly, it feels a bit like getting back into the gym. You don’t just start out that first day back running a marathon! You have to remember (yes, I like to be in my studio), reconnect (now, this is what I was doing) and rebuild (this is how I do it) the creative muscles that have not been used for a while and slowly increase your endurance.

January was the first month in the past 18 months that I did not get on a plane. I did not even leave town. Being home was deeply therapeutic. My goal for the month was to create a new routine that got me in my new studio space at least 10 hours a week — a small, but attainable goal. I also set a goal of machine quilting 5 hours a week. Each week I met my goals. These wins create momentum that I can build on, hopefully increasing my working hours each month. Between my two studios in the month of January I logged 73.5 hours. This is the best month I have had since March of 2021. All of last year I only had 264.75 hours for the whole year — the lowest I have had since I started keeping track of my studio hours in 2011. It takes great effort to create new rhythms and routines of working, but I can do it.

Cottonwood December 2023 Meade State Park, Kansas © Pamela Loewen 2023

So how does this connect to trees? Trees endure. Slowly, quietly trees keep growing through all kinds of weather. During each season, slowly tree trunks and branches get thicker, longer and taller. Over the years they keep growing bigger and stronger. I want to be like a tree. I want to keep growing throughout all the seasons of my life no matter what comes my way.

Here is the first of my new trees series. I began this series in 2019. I was especially interested in the main tree trunk and its branches. The strength is in the trunk. This is what supports and feeds the whole tree. Trunks are not often admired, but without them you do not get the buds, flowers, fruits, leaves and branches. This series celebrates quiet enduring strength that creates beauty.

“Tree #1” 2019/2023 21.5”w by 33.5 “ h

cottons hand dyed by artist, wool batting, machine quilted

© Pamela Loewen

“Tree #1” detail

© Pamela Loewen 2023

Things that make me happy

When life is chaotic I refresh and reset by slowing down. I take time to appreciate the small things. For example, after all the overcast smoky days from the fires in Canada, I am no longer taking a beautiful clear blue sky for granted. I also literally stop and smell the flowers. As you know from my artwork, I love flowers. In our yard we have several hibiscus plants. These large beautiful flowers have blooms that last only a day or two. Such brief beauty, but stunning.

Hibiscus and White tansy August 29, 2023 © Pamela Loewen

People always ask me where I get my ideas. Much of my inspiration comes from nature. Look at this beautiful Stokes’ aster. Lovely shades of white with delicate textures. Quiet beauty.

Stokes’ Aster July 25, 2023 © Pamela Loewen

For those of you wondering, I am not a gardener. My husband and daughter have the green thumbs. We also have excellent landscapers who help us keep things looking beautiful on our property. Below are my daughter’s yellow roses I get to enjoy as I walk out to take care of my chickens.

On a trip to Lititz, PA last year I found a lovely photo in an art gallery. It reminded me of the highly detailed still life paintings by the Dutch Masters. I bought it and brought it home. It is printed on an unusual paper that gives it a special vibrancy.

Photograph by Jennifer Cavalcante

I also love buying beautiful calendars. Old calendars often become visual references on my design walls. Below is Deb Stoner’s 2020 “In the Garden” calendar hanging in my new studio space. I love her work.

Botanical Portraits by Deb Stoner 2020

Because I have been away from my studio for so long, I decided to create a series of small studies. Inspired by the things I have shared in this post, I wanted to explore using dark backgrounds with my flower figures.

Small Still Life Study #1 Grey pieced composition roughly 12” by 12”

© Pamela Loewen

Small Still Life Study #2 Chocolate pieced composition roughly 12” by 12”

© Pamela Loewen

After not creating for several months, it feels great to sew again. So far this week I have spent four days in my new studio space and that makes me very happy.

What makes you happy?

When things don't go as planned

Ironing station in my new studio.

Contrary to popular belief, creativity doesn’t usually thrive in uncertainty and upheaval. Just when I am thinking my life is settling down into a new routine, something disrupts my plans. Next thing I know, I am packing a suitcase to go help someone I love. After last year with my dad, I know “being there” is the right choice. It’s relationships that matter most in life.

Another thing that has not gone according to plan is my building. The original plan was to open in June of 2022. Last fall I I thought surely I would be able to open in the spring of 2023. However, as of today, the project is still not completed. So I am not looking at a calendar again until every last thing in the building is finished. And a BIG THANK YOU to all the artists who are patiently waiting for their new show dates!

My “desk” in the new studio.

So it is time to pivot. In times like these, I try to focus on what I CAN DO. I do have permission to use my new studio on the second floor of the building. In between trips, I have been setting up this space. I have even started the first composition on my HUGE design walls! It takes time to adjust to the idiosyncrasies of a new place, but slowly I am easing into my new studio.

Beginning of first composition in new studio.

I have also rearranged my old studio at home. I have two machines dedicated to machine quilting. These each have their own special tables. I use my Bernina 820QE for straight stitching, and a Juki 2010Q for free motion quilting. I also have several compositions basted and ready for quilting. So when a small window of time unexpectedly becomes available, I can go quilt.

Home studio now focused on machine quilting.

Tree #2 detail of figure: free motion quilting

Amidst uncertainty and ever changing plans, I am eking out moments of creativity. At the moment, it is the best that I can do, and I am appreciating each small step along the way. At least I am moving forward!

Tree #2 detail of ground : straight stitch machine quilting.

How are you moving forward?

Moving into a New Space

After three and a half years, I have finally moved into my new studio space! While it is only a little over 22 feet wide, this space has over 44 feet of design walls along each side wall. The 14 foot tall ceiling will also give my compositions room to breath. Larger design walls enable me to work on more than one large composition at a time and allow me to have more visual references displayed as I work. All this open space is exciting! If you want to learn more about the building go to

New studio space for fiber artist Pamela Loewen

Loewen Studio & Gallery in Williamston, Michigan

I must admit, though, that I am also a little nervous. I have never had a studio outside of my home, and I have never had more than one studio at a time. Now I will have two, because I will continue to do my machine quilting in my home studio. This will also be an adjustment. Sounds silly, but psychologically for me, this is a stretch.

As I begin to quilt my new tree series, I am also trying something new.

In my garden series, the figures are quilted in mostly straight lines with a walking foot and the ground in free-motion quilting. I have reversed this in my tree series. This change is bringing new design challenges.

detail of machine quilting by artist Pamela Loewen

first quilt in tree series (not yet named) detail

© Pamela Loewen

Machine quilting the ground areas with a walking foot is not as easy as one might think. The direction of the lines have to support the figure, but also not become too predictable. Twice I ripped out what I had quilted because the surface created was too static. Making just subtle shifts when I quilted the same area again, brought more life into the ground.

snow laden branches

Serviceberry Tree in a March Snow

© Pamela Loewen

I took this photo of our serviceberry tree last night as the snow fell. I love how the snow accentuates the lines of the branches and twigs. I am always looking, noticing, admiring. This snow storm also had a little thunder and lightning, another first for me to experience.

What new things are you working towards? Have you experienced any “firsts” lately?

Making Something that Lasts (Poland 2/2)

The Archcathedral Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Poznan is filled with portraits and monuments of prominent people from ages past. Made in different mediums, each one made me ponder who each person really was. Who decided to memorialize them for posterity? Was it merely a matter of money or did they really help their community so much that their peers wanted to honor them in this way?

photo by Pamela Loewen

I love the economy of line in this portrait. I think this was chiseled in stone, but it almost looks like someone drew lines in wet cement. As an artist, I know the fewer the lines, the more difficult it is to achieve a pleasing composition. Your proportions have to be perfect.

photo by Pamela Loewen

Again, I love the line work. I especially love how the hands are surrounded by echoing lines of draped fabric. I also enjoy the organic lines of the greenery at the top.

© Pamela Loewen

This one borders on ostentatious, in my opinion. I’m sure my mother would agree. However, I find the figure interesting. His pose is almost jaunty. I am sure that a historian could tell me the meaning to the pose and all of the items included in the sculpture. Overall it is powerful and imposing, but a close up makes me wonder if this person had a joyful soul.

photo by Pamela Loewen

Again, I love the repeating lines in the sleeves and breard and the more organic lines in the ornamentation on the garment. Reminds me of my quilting lines.

“Red Coral” 2008/2021 detail

© Pamela Loewen

© Pamela Loewen

This was huge, nearly 15 feet tall. It is the only monument I saw in the Poznan Cathedral for a couple and the only one that had a woman, other than the Virgin Mary. Who was this woman to be included among so many prominent men?

photo by Pamela Loewen

As I visited this cathedral my father’s passing was fresh in my mind. Thinking of the millions of people who have died throughout the span of time with nothing to mark their time on earth, I realize that one of my motivations in creating art is to make something that will outlast me.

Quiltmaking in the artworld is similar to the lone woman’s monument in the catheral. It is not an art form well represented in traditional galleries and museums. It is a medium dominated by women. With my gallery I hope to change this by showcasing and promoting the important work being made in the medium of quilt making today. To learn more visit