The Series Grows

One of the great benefits of working in a series is I have a set starting point. Instead of starting with a “blank sheet”, many of my design questions are already answered. For example with this new series I know the finished size is 12 inches by 12 inches. I also know I am using a dark palette for the ground. And I know I want the figure to be flower-like. So when I am in and out of my studio for weeks/months on end, it is easy to pick up and create a new piece in a small series. And even though the finished product is small, I still learn with each composition.

The second row of my new small series next to Deb Stoner’s “Botanical Portraits'‘ 2020 & “Flora” 2024 calendars

©2025 Pamela Loewen

There is something about things in a row that brings me joy. I also am enjoying playing in such a dark palette for the ground. Life is too short to not have fun!

orange bloom #1 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

The palette for the orange blooms came from my tree #9 that was in progress on the opposite design wall. I thought the orange would look very vibrant on the dark ground. The figure is only slightly different than the light pink blooms. I made it more vertical and more symmetrical.

Orange Bloom #2 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

In the second orange bloom I have chosen a brown palette for the ground. I must admit that with my tree series my love for brown has grown. Dyeing brown fabrics is particularly fun and a bit challenging. My desire to get back in my dye studio is also growing.

Orange Bloom #3 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

I like the thicker petals on the flower figure. I also like the dark darks. There is greater variation of value scale in the background that creates more movement.

Orange Bloom #4 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

This composition has darker purples and more grays. I like the center petal being the palest in the flower figure. It feels well balanced.

Orange Bloom #5 12.5” by 12.5” pieced

©2025 Pamela Loewen

The ground is getting brighter here. I have fewer darks and more mid tones. I like the browns, purples and blues dancing across the ground. Now I am having fun trying different combinations in the ground. I think I’ll make another row!