"Washed" -- Blood 3/4

The next concept I explored in this series was the idea that blood washes away sin. This imagery is counterintuitive. How can blood wash away anything?

In the Old Testament, God appointed priests to offer animal sacrifices for the sins of individuals and the community. In the New Testament Jesus is described as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

The red figures in the composition below represent the cross. The background depicts the cleansing of sin as it turns from black to white. The red quilting lines were inspired by rain glazed on a window pane. Rain washing the earth parallels the idea of blood washing away sin.

Abstract fiber art red crosses on grayscale field from white to black

“Washed” Psalm 51:7b. 2006, 32.5” w by 46.5” h

© Pamela Loewen

commercial cottons, cotton batting, machine quilted

“Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7b NIV

detail of "Washed" red quilting lines like a jagged coastline on a map

“Washed” detail

© Pamela Loewen

Back of Washed showing abstract red quilting lines by artist Pamela Loewen

“Washed” back detail

© Pamela Loewen