Continuing to explore the motif of blood in Scripture I came across this verse “Earth itself will point out the bloodstains; it will show where the murdered have been hidden away.” Isaiah 26:21b The Message. History shows that the 20th century was most violent yet: two world wars, Stalin in Russia, Mao in China, the Kumar Rouge in Cambodia, the Armenian genocide, Rwanda’s genocide, Hitler’s death camps. Will this century be any better? Atrocities continue— genocides, human trafficking and actual slavery in more places than we as a society care to recognize. As long as the powerful elites refuse to recognize the humanity and worth of each individual these crimes against humanity will continue.
There is something in the human soul that longs for justice. The imagery of the earth itself keeping record of these atrocities is powerful. The thought that one day these stains will be revealed and the guilty will be held accountable is compelling.
“Stained Earth” Isaiah 26:21b. 2007/2009 27” w by 60” h
© Pamela Loewen
commercial fabrics, cotton batting, machine quilted
The red figures in this work represent slain bodies; the ground is colors of the earth—grass, dirt, stone.
“Stained Earth”. detail
© Pamela Loewen
The red stitching represents violence and blood shed.
“Stained Earth”. detail back
© Pamela Loewen