While working on my blood series, a family tragedy occurred. My younger brother and his wife were expecting their fourth child. I was particularly excited because I was going to be in the States for this birth. I had been in New Zealand for the births of their first three children. Just a few weeks before the due date, the placenta detached and their baby boy died in the womb. Absolutely heart breaking.
My sister-in-law was induced and she gave birth to a beautiful blond headed boy who looked just like his older brother. Close family gathered at the hospital. We cradled Joshua Charles in our arms. We kissed his head. We wept with his parents. Later we held a funeral and almost 200 people gathered to mourn the loss of this precious life.
In my early quilting days I made several baby quilts. My brother asked if I would make Joshua a quilt. I said of course.
The small white cross represents Joshua Charles in the arms of Jesus, the large red figure. The ground is the colors of heaven— gold and jewel tones. I don’t usually use metallic thread in my machine quilting, but for this composition it seemed appropriate.
“Our Hope in the Resurrected Christ: We will go to him.” 2006, 28” w by 29.5” h
commercial fabrics, cotton batting, machine quilted cotton and metallic threads
© Pamela Loewen
Private Collection
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11: 25-26
“Our Hope” detail
© Pamela Loewen