Inspiration from Art & Artifacts through the Ages (Poland 1/2)

Traveling in Poznan, Poland with my husband I find myself surrounded by beauty. Decoration and pattern are everywhere. We visited sites as old as 968 AD. We toured a palace, a castle, an arboretum and a cathedral. Each held treasures from different time periods, the oldest a mosaic from the island of Pomeii. The best art stands the test of time.

Mosaic from Pompeii at Kornik Castle © Pamela Loewen

Love this little dog with its fancy collar! Dog lovers also span the ages!!

Also love the interlocking pattern on the floor of Kornik Castle. First built in the late 14 century, the castle had many additions and updates through the years. Filled with collections of natural, historical and art objects from around the world and thousands of books, the last owner set up a foundation and bequeathed the castle and its contents to the people. Some of my favorite objects are in the gallery below

Medieval floor tiles Kornik Castle, Kornik, Poland © Pamela Loewen

In the early 1800’s one of the castle’s owners established the Kornik Arboretum on 40 hectares. This is now the oldest and largest arboretum in Poland with over 3300 species of trees and shrubs. We had a glorious walk through the arboretum on a sunny afternoon enjoying the fall colors.

Magnolia Kornick Arboretum, Poland © Pamela Loewen

I also love to compare and contrast similar things. Both the castle and Rogalin Palace had beautiful libraries. Each were exquisite in detail and filled with books and other artifacts. On the left is the Moorish Library at Kornik, the right is beautifully hand carved wood library at the palace.

Another thing to compare are rosettes on cathedrals. On the left The Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Poznan, and All Saints’ Church, Kornik. Love the brick work!

And I will end with imagery from inside The Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on cathedral island, Poznan. I love the juxtaposition of mediums, methods, materials and moments in time.

Creating an Image Bank

After keeping focused and diligently working for two months, I’m on a brief vacation with my family. It took an adventurous full day of travel to arrive at a beautiful house in Costa Rica on the side of a mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The view reminds me a bit of our former home in New Zealand overlooking the Hauraki Gulf.

A change of scenery is good for the soul. Having the opportunity to be together with my husband, sons, daughter-in-law and in-laws is a special treat. From our perch we are enjoying nature—howler monkeys, lizards, butterflies, moths, spiders and, of course, birds. It especially makes my soul sing to see my 27 year old boys so excited to spy a lizard on a rock. It reminds me of when they were 5 turning over rocks on the beach in New Zealand looking for little crabs. My dad told me I would miss those days. He was right.

My son Austin has been honing his photography skills for several years now. He has a naturally good eye. Must be all the museums I took him to during his childhood! While he began focused primarily on bird photography, he has expanded to anything in nature that interests him. His goal is a compelling composition. I think he achieved his goal in the photo below.

Photograph by Austin Loewen

I am also finding more inspiration for my own work. A great way to develop your eye as an artist is by taking photos. And of course cell phones make this so much easier and inexpensive. No more buying film or paying and waiting to get it processed. You see your results immediately and can take multiple pictures at no extra cost. You can also edit photos easily.

Taking photos also helps you discovery what interests you. Part of developing your voice as an artist is honing in on what is important to you. What do you notice? What peeks your interest? Why? How do these images feed your work? Exploring these questions will deepen your work. This is also one way to create your image bank.

Last piece finished for the opening show!

While the building is still not quite finished, I am still planning the gallery opening for September 16! If you would like a personal invitation to the opening, please send me your address!! The easiest way to do this is using the contact me page on my website. You can also message me on Facebook.

My Garden Series will be the opening show and will be up until the end of the year. The town of Williamston is only a little over an hour drive from the Detroit Metro Airport. And since we are so close to Michigan State University, there are plenty of nearby hotels and restaurants.

This past month I finished machine quilting the last piece for my opening show. This piece is part of my leaf studies. As I composed this, I was missing my husband. We had been apart for almost two weeks, and I was anxious to be home. After over 30 years of marriage, he truly is my other half. I am very grateful to have paired with such a supportive partner.

“Paired Leaves” 2018/2022. 42.5” w by 42” h

commercial cottons, double cotton batting, machine quilted

© Pamela Loewen

One of the distinguishing characteristics of my work is the variegated thread I use in machine quilting. I especially love how the same thread looks different depending on the color of the fabric beneath the thread. A great example of this can be seen below. Looking at the peach fabric, connecting to the tan fabric and then the pink — the same variegated thread reads differently on each color. I believe this gives the entire work more movement and interest.

“Paired Leaves” detail

The power of incremental achievment

While I did not have much time in my studio in April and May, I did finish the large leaf study below. I really like the energy and color play in this composition. It makes me smile. The power of incremental achievement is real. Yay, for small victories!

Colorful red leaf quilt by contemporary fiber artist Pamela Loewen

“Lively Leaf” 2018/2022 47.5” w by 48.5” h”

commercial cottons, cotton batting, machine quilted

© Pamela Loewen

Earlier in my career, when my kids were little (twin boys and a daughter only 3 years apart in age), I wouldn’t even try to work in my studio space unless I had at least 2 or 3 hours of uninterrupted time. As you can imagine, that didn’t happen very often in the early years. I was not working consistently. The progress of projects was painfully slow. What was I thinking?

Let’s be honest. When you are working creatively, it takes time to get into a creative head space. It isn’t like flipping on a light switch as soon as you walk into your studio. At least it isn’t for me. But an all or nothing approach was not working for me.

“Lively Leaf” detail A

So I adopted a new strategy. Even if I had only 15 to 30 minutes, I would run up to my studio and try to get something done. In quilt making there are many tasks that do not require a high degree of creative decision making, such as sinking knots, tidying fabric, some sewing tasks and even some kinds of machine quilting. Not only did this increase my productivity, it gave me greater continuity in my creative workflow. And more often than not, when I thought I could only get half an hour in my studio, I was able to work much longer.

It is amazing how our own minds can limit us. How is your thinking limiting you?

“Lively Leaf” detail B

The Promise of Easter: We will go to him

While working on my blood series, a family tragedy occurred. My younger brother and his wife were expecting their fourth child. I was particularly excited because I was going to be in the States for this birth. I had been in New Zealand for the births of their first three children. Just a few weeks before the due date, the placenta detached and their baby boy died in the womb. Absolutely heart breaking.

My sister-in-law was induced and she gave birth to a beautiful blond headed boy who looked just like his older brother. Close family gathered at the hospital. We cradled Joshua Charles in our arms. We kissed his head. We wept with his parents. Later we held a funeral and almost 200 people gathered to mourn the loss of this precious life.

In my early quilting days I made several baby quilts. My brother asked if I would make Joshua a quilt. I said of course.

The small white cross represents Joshua Charles in the arms of Jesus, the large red figure. The ground is the colors of heaven— gold and jewel tones. I don’t usually use metallic thread in my machine quilting, but for this composition it seemed appropriate.

quilt small white cross within large Red Cross artist Pamela Loewen

“Our Hope in the Resurrected Christ: We will go to him.” 2006, 28” w by 29.5” h

commercial fabrics, cotton batting, machine quilted cotton and metallic threads

© Pamela Loewen

Private Collection

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11: 25-26

“Our Hope” detail

© Pamela Loewen

"Stained Earth" -- Blood 4/4

Continuing to explore the motif of blood in Scripture I came across this verse “Earth itself will point out the bloodstains; it will show where the murdered have been hidden away.” Isaiah 26:21b The Message. History shows that the 20th century was most violent yet: two world wars, Stalin in Russia, Mao in China, the Kumar Rouge in Cambodia, the Armenian genocide, Rwanda’s genocide, Hitler’s death camps. Will this century be any better? Atrocities continue— genocides, human trafficking and actual slavery in more places than we as a society care to recognize. As long as the powerful elites refuse to recognize the humanity and worth of each individual these crimes against humanity will continue.

There is something in the human soul that longs for justice. The imagery of the earth itself keeping record of these atrocities is powerful. The thought that one day these stains will be revealed and the guilty will be held accountable is compelling.

abstract art quilt: elongated red figures embedded in stone/dirt by Pamela Loewen

“Stained Earth” Isaiah 26:21b. 2007/2009 27” w by 60” h

© Pamela Loewen

commercial fabrics, cotton batting, machine quilted

The red figures in this work represent slain bodies; the ground is colors of the earth—grass, dirt, stone.

detail harsh variegated red quilting lines by fiber artist Pamela Loewen

“Stained Earth”. detail

© Pamela Loewen

The red stitching represents violence and blood shed.

“Stained Earth”. detail back

© Pamela Loewen

"Washed" -- Blood 3/4

The next concept I explored in this series was the idea that blood washes away sin. This imagery is counterintuitive. How can blood wash away anything?

In the Old Testament, God appointed priests to offer animal sacrifices for the sins of individuals and the community. In the New Testament Jesus is described as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

The red figures in the composition below represent the cross. The background depicts the cleansing of sin as it turns from black to white. The red quilting lines were inspired by rain glazed on a window pane. Rain washing the earth parallels the idea of blood washing away sin.

Abstract fiber art red crosses on grayscale field from white to black

“Washed” Psalm 51:7b. 2006, 32.5” w by 46.5” h

© Pamela Loewen

commercial cottons, cotton batting, machine quilted

“Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7b NIV

detail of "Washed" red quilting lines like a jagged coastline on a map

“Washed” detail

© Pamela Loewen

Back of Washed showing abstract red quilting lines by artist Pamela Loewen

“Washed” back detail

© Pamela Loewen

"By His Stripes" – Blood 2/4

One of the most vivid and hard to watch scenes in Mel Gibson’s movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” was the scourging of Jesus. The movie came out in 2004, and I made this quilt in 2006. When I thought of blood as a motif in Scripture, this very graphic scene came to mind.

At this point I was living in New Zealand and still working in commercial fabrics. I was also just beginning to work exclusively in solid fabrics. For non-quilters, most quilt shops sell fabrics with prints or designs. Solid colors typically are hard to find. I spent a lot of time shopping in many stores to find solid colors to represent the colors of humanity. My choices were rather limited.

art quilt scouring red lines over colors of humanity artist Pamela Loewen

“By His Stripes” Isaiah 53:5 2006, 31” w by 27” h

© Pamela Loewen

commercial fabrics, cotton batting, machine quilted

Expressing the violence of the flogging, I cut into the pieced top over and over again. The red lines and jagged quilting depict the scourging of Christ. Underneath these wounds are the colors of humanity.

“By His Stripes” 2006 detail

© Pamela Loewen

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5.

“By His Stripes” 2006 detail back

© Pamela Loewen

What is this blood business all about? 1/4

When I was living in New Zealand a very talented quilter, Roz Waterworth, passed away. She had machine quilted several bed quilts for me. Another quilter, Leslie Aspin and I attended her funeral at the Catholic Church where Roz had worshiped. The sanctuary was filled with all kinds of beautiful work Roz had made: christening clothes, quilts, liturgical banners and other things. Communion was offered during the mass.

Afterward Leslie asked me “What is this blood business all about? I don’t get it.” As someone who grew up in church, I paused to think how strange “drinking the wine which represented the blood of Christ” would be for someone who had no experience with church. In the moment I replied “The Bible teaches that ‘without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin’ (Hebrews 9:22).”

Leslie’s question stayed with me. Why blood? I thought about my aunt who faints at the sight of blood. How hard it is to get blood stains out of clothing. Blood is the essence of life, but it can also be repulsive. So I studied all of the verses throughout the Bible that mentioned blood. As we prepare to enter the season of Lent I thought I would share this small series of work exploring the motif of blood in Scripture.

“Covered” Psalm 32:1 2006, 30.25” w by 32”`h

© Pamela Loewen

commercial cottons, cotton batting, machine pieced and hand quilted by artist

The first in this series is “Covered” inspired by Psalm 32:1 “Blessed is the one who transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.” In this piece you will see quilting designs inspired by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In the largest red square three crosses are quilted. In other areas you will find thorns. The quilted squares within squares represents gifts —the gift of eternal life. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) The blood of Christ covers our sin.

"Covered" detail by fiber artist Pamela Loewen showing hand quilting.

“Covered” detail

Artwork by fiber artist Pamela Loewen detail of hand quilting on "Covered"

“Covered” detail, back

© Pamela Loewen